Thursday 8 March 2012


Since this module has begun, I have learnt various different things such as how to import an illustrator file into a 3D studio max file, How to create different 3D objects such as apples, bananas, springs, fences teapots and many other 3D objects. I have learnt some of the different techniques that are used in 3D studio max in which some of them are, Boolean, ProBoolean, Lathe, Extrude, Materials, how to use the soft selection etc. Throughout the next couple of weeks I am currently aiming to produce a 3D model of a person in which I can animate that person in a way that relates to the function of the chosen model that I will be creating and producing in which the chosen model is the Hand Glider. I would definately do some aspects of this module better and spend mopre time on some of the more difficult aspects but otherwise I have thouroughly enjoyed the past six weeks in learning how to use the software and in the actual creating of the model for my final piece.

My Research

This module required us to produce models from one of Leonardo Da Vinci's machine inventions, but in order to do this the first thing that we had to do was research what his models were and also mention why we have chosen to recreate that specific model for our assignment.

After researching about the man himself, I have found out that he has invented many different and similar machines in which the top five inventions that I think are the most interesting are:

  • The Circumfolgore - which is a machine that consists of about 16 guns that are mounted onto a rotating platform. This machine was invented in the early 1500.
  • The Naval Cannon - which is a machine that consists of a gunner that is on a rotating platform with a large cannon attached.
  • The Way to Walk on Water - which is a machine type invention that is meant for someone being able to walk on water using big leather bags which have been filled with air to help you float.
  • The Arched Bridge - which is a bridge that was invented by Leonardo Da Vinci  in which the way to creat the bridge would be by slippling pieces of wood and sticks in to slots to lock them into one another until a bridge has been formed.
  • The Hang Glider - which is a piece invented by Leonardo Da Vinci that was invented based on someone jumping off a building using only a cloak and some wooden sticks to help cushion his fall.
Out of the 5 inventions listed above I have chosen to produce nand animate the Hand Glider invention because I personally would like to differentiate the different ways in which the invention has been improved from the Hand Glider to the currently known invention of the Parachute.