Tuesday, 31 January 2012


For my first attemp at the Array technique. I found the technique very simple and easy because all that had to be done was create one fence shape and then use the Array technique to multiply the one fence shape so that we had a multiple number of fence shapes.

Boolean and Pro-boolean

For my first attempt at Boolean and Pro-Boolean, I found the technique easy but difficult as well. Easy because creating the Objects - the Letter and the Box - was easy. Difficult because I found the aspect of applying the Boolean and Pro-Boolean techniques difficult beucase I could not figure out why it wasn't working.


For my first attempt at Lofting, I ended up producing a shape that represented a water cooler in which I later found out that this shape was produced because the size of my circle was too big. So after changing the size of the circle I have produced my wonderful blue spring!!!


For my first attempt at Lathing I have created a shape/object but I have absolutly no clue at all of what the shape/object could be. So any ideas would be welcome. I found this tool kind of annoying because of the drawing aspect because my first attempt was a wine glass but that failed because the glass came to have a hole in it. So for my second attempt I created the object above.


Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Week 1 - The Brief

The brief seems quite straight forward but whilst reading through the line I have found out that there are many things that I would need to do to complete the assignment to ensure that I get the highest grade possible.